You can easily filter any leagues you are not interested in (e.g. eSoccer, Womens, ...) by setting a League Filter.
Filtered leagues will be hidden from the in-play table by default and excluded from your strategies.
You can set a Global League Filter (click here) that applies to the in-play table and to all your strategies by default.
If you want a specific strategy to work with a different list of leagues you can set a new strategy filter that only applies to that strategy and that completely overrules your global league filter. To set a strategy league filter click the "Leagues" button to the right of the "Add Rule button".
Operation modes
When setting a league filter there are two operation modes:
Pick matches of selected leagues only:
Only the selected leagues are allowed
New leagues added in the future are excluded
- Pick matches of all leagues except selected
- Only selected leagues are excluded
- New leagues added in the future are allowed
Reusing league filters
If you want all your strategies to use the same filter, just set it as your global league filter.
If you want strategy B to use the same filter as strategy A you can use the "Clone filter" option when creating the filter for strategy B and select to pre-select the leagues used in strategy A instead of picking the leagues manually.